The Sovereign Archives

The Sovereign Archives are the sacred and divine artifacts from the life of His Divine Holiness Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, collected with great reverence in order to be preserved for thousands of years to come. The archives is a large collection of physical artifacts, photographs, and documents from His life, recording the divine interactions, miracles and many blessings that He bestowed. Each artifact tells us the story of The Avatar and inundates us by the lifetime of hard work, sincerity and dedication that He has demonstrated for His mission of bringing a Superconscious Breakthrough to humanity and reviving ShriKailasa.


This online portal is a gallery of the available archives with us currently. As there is a large collection already available, we are continuing to upload and display all the archives.

1988 | The Ochre Color Robe of Initiation Given by Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara


1988 | Ochre robe of initiation given by Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara to The young Avatar when He was barely 12.

Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara is the embodiment of Paramaśiva (the primordial Hindu Divinity) who assumed the form of a Sanyasi and befriended The young Avatar as His Guru, in the unique Happening of ‘Guru and Disciple’ where the Guru is the embodiment of Paramaśiva and the disciple is the current incarnation of Paramaśiva!

This ochre robe is the robe of initiation Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara wrapped around The young Avatār initiating Him into Sanyās (monkhood). The initiation happened under a metaphysical Banyan tree which Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara led The young Avatar to. This is one of two objects that has come from the metaphysical plane to the physical plane as evidence for what happened in the metaphysical place. The other object is a porridge bowl given by Sri Rama to Sri Ramakrishna (a great Hindu incarnation) through an intense spiritual experience.


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