Sri Kumarasami

Birth: Unknown

Death: 2 February 2017

Location of Samadhi: Kailasa Paramparagatha Adi Arunachala Sarvajnapeetha Samrajyam


Biological Paternal Uncle of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism who used to teach Him the Science of Siddha Vidya which he was initiated by Thanjavur Swamigal, the disciple of Paramahamsa Shivananda

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism mastered the Hindu Science of Siddha Vidya which was revived by Paramahamsa Shivananda through His own paternal uncle (biological father’s elder brother) Shri Kumarasami of Tiruvannamalai (birthplace of HDH). Paramahamsa Shivananda is the founder of Siddha Samaj where this Science is taught. He left his body in 1949. Shri Kumarasami was a highly learned person who traveled widely to all the venerated shrines of India and engaged in deep discussions with the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism during His childhood on the subject of Siddha Vidya and other teachings of Hinduism

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