Thinnai swami

Birth: 12 December 1912
Date of Samadhi: 7 December 2003
Location of Samadhi: Beside the samadhi of Sadhu Om, close to the thinnai which he lived in for so many years
Major influence and a component in the enlightenment eco-system of Tiruvannamalai
A house in Tiruvannam, built by C.P Nathan in which He would stay in the verandah
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
Kailasa Paramparagatha Adi Arunachala Sarvajnapeetha Samrajyam
Thinnai Swami was a direct disciple of the great enlightened being Ramana Maharshi. Once when Thinnai Swami visited Ramana Maharshi to receive his blessings, when requesting if he could leave, Ramana Maharshi responded, “Iru or “Wait” in Tamil.
Without a second thought, he took that instruction for his whole life. Thinnai Swami lived for the rest of his life in the same place where he received the instruction from his guru, in the verandah of the house or what is called in Tamil as Thinnai. It was thus he was named as Thinnai Swami, for having taken up the life of enlightenment with extreme obedience to his own guru’s words.
From this very place, Thinnai Swami attracted spiritual seekers who respected and revered him because of his bold obedience to His guru’s instruction Around where he sat, a house was constructed and today is worshipped as the place where he lived and radiated the space of Oneness with the supreme consciousness for 54 years.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism has mentioned Thinnai Swami as a part of the enlightenment eco-system of Tiruvannamalai where The Advent of The Avatar first happened and the environment played a crucial role in the perfect manifestation of superconsciousness in the human body. SPH narrated the life story of Thinnai Swami out of deep reverence and His own interactions with him where SPH has seen how he radiates that experience of Oneness. In one instance He narrates how as a young Incarnation Mataji Vibhutananda Puri once took Him to see Thinnai Swami. In those few hours, when HDH read the Ribhu Gita to Thinnai Swami, he found that he had fallen into a deep samadhi. Over the years, His Divine Holiness has spoken on the greatness of the book Ribhu Gita several times and recommended it for anyone who is inclined for the higher Truths of Hinduism.
- His Divine Holiness had revealed the divine interaction between Him and Thinnai Swami when He read the Ribhu Gita on 13 November 2019
- His Divine Holiness narrates the initiation which Thinnai Swami received from Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi on 19 April 2005
Category: Acharya