Aug 14, 2020 | Leela of Sanyas
My family healthline is very good The second death I witnessed was my grandmother’s. She was a centenarian! In my family, other than my father, I did not see a single person die before their eighties. Mine was a very healthy family. Even though they married inside the...
Apr 19, 2020 | Leela of Sanyas
The Leela of Sanyas Yogananda Puri asks me, “Sanyāsi or Grihastha?” When I was six, Yogananda Puri asked Me, “Do you want to become a Sanyāsi or a grihastha?” I just stood up proudly and said, “Sanyāsi!” I still remember how I...
Apr 19, 2020 | Leela of Sanyas
The Leela of Sanyas Sanyās – the space of Paramaśivatva One day, The Avatār’s words and His physical presence will be only remembered in books and other recording media. Though He will be recalled as the most recorded incarnation in...