Dr. Karunanidhi, the family doctor shares

The Leela of Arunagiri Yogishwara






Dr. Karunanidhi, who still resides in Tiruvannamalai, recollects the incident where young The Avatār was brought by His parents to His clinic with a deep cut in the thigh.

DR. KARUNANIDHI – Our family doctor who put the sutures on My thigh

       I administer sutures on the thigh

I am a pediatrician practicing in Tiruvannamalai since 1978. I was Swami’s family doctor. I remember the incident when Swami’s parents brought Him one day to the clinic. My clinic was just opposite their house in Tiruvoodal street. He was bleeding on His thigh with a deep wound; they said He had hurt himself. His mother was very upset. I had to administer an injection, make sutures and do a dressing.
I also remember vividly His worship-related activities as a child, which were so well known by all in those days! He would build a poo pallak (flower-decorated palanquin to carry deities in procession) like the one in the main Arunācala temple, and take His small deities in procession and offer ārati (lit lamp) alongside the palanquin of the main temple during the festival!


Every year as per the vedic calendar, Nithyananda Purnima is celebrated world over as the anniversary of the enlightenment experience. Special pūjā is offered in Tiruvannamalai at Pavazha Kundru. The rock on which the experience happened is called Paramaśiva Shila and is worshipped as MahaSādāśiva Himself.

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