He transmitted so much to Me!
He is the fulfillment of all existing and possible fantasies of a guru-disciple relationship. I have seen him materializing, I have seen him flying, I have seen him perform all types of miracles, I have seen him teaching Me all these Śaktis (extraordinary powers). While he taught he would perform and show. I have seen him bringing the moon directly in front of Me! I have seen him making the whole world disappear other than the both of us, or showing everything inside him! I have seen him showing Viśvarūpa (Cosmic form) – that everything is Him. So much, so much he has transmitted to Me. I don’t know whether I will be able to transmit all that to humanity; at least put it in record… for 126 years I am going to be using this body. So much he has transmitted; so much he has taught.
The sweet space of this Guru-Disciple relationship continuously reverberated with the powers of Paramaśiva radiating through Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara and mirrored by the Young Avatār through sheer Oneness. The sweet taste of an active samāna (balance of prana inside the body), the power of yogic lungs, the initiation into Tatvamasi (You are That), the Chid Jada Granthi deeksha (initiation into bursting all incompletions), the making of spiritual alchemy products and what not…